We Are...

We are an organization of parents and teachers enhancing the value of a Christ-centered education.
We are funded by the efforts of our students and their families through projects such as the annual magazine sale.
Working together for our children...We are Tattnall!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Magazine Sale - 2nd Turn-In Day Coming Up On Weds 8/31!

Wednesday, August 31st, is the next magazine turn-in day! We cannot stress enough how important this fundraiser is to Tattnall. The money raised benefits all TSA students through academic and extracurricular enrichment.      

Some Incentives Include:
  • Magazine Holiday - October 10th (IF we reach our goal of $50,000)
  • 1 entry for every 3 magazines sold to win $500 (IF we reach our super goal of $60,000)  
  • Pizza party for the highest selling class in Elementary, Middle, and High School
  • Money machine grab for the highest individual seller in Elementary, Middle, and High School (Minimum of 5 magazine orders sold to qualify)   
  • Middle/High School - 1 entry to win a $50 Visa gift card for every 3 magazines turned in on August 31st ONLY         
Remember orders can be placed on the website: http://www.qsp.com/store/Index.aspx
You will need your student's name, teacher and grade when accessing the web site.

Of course orders can still be processed using the paper forms enclosed in the magazine packets.  Elementary students turn orders into their home room teacher. Middle School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of Mrs. Cheek’s office.  High School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of the high school art room

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Turn-in Date for the Magazine Sale August 24th!

The Magazine Sale first turn-in date is Weds August 24th.  Let's sell!

Remember orders can be placed on the website: http://www.qsp.com/store/Index.aspx
You will need your student's name, teacher and grade when accessing the web site.

Of course orders can still be processed using the paper forms enclosed in the magazine packets.  Elementary students turn orders into their home room teacher. Middle School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of Mrs. Cheek’s office.  High School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of the high school art room.

Monday, August 22, 2011


WHY DO WE SELL? Our annual Magazine Sale is the primary source of funding for Trojan Legion.  The money raised funds major projects like the closed circuit televisions along with the broadcasting equipment, new studio quality cameras as well as new library management software system. The money raised also funds ongoing projects such as teacher appreciation luncheons, educational workshops for our faculty, and tools and supplies utilized in the classroom.

GOALLL!!!!  We are working toward a goal.  We receive 40% of all money raised from the sale.  Our goal this year is $50,000 but we also have a super goal of $60,000.  We need your help and support to reach and even exceed our goal.

WIN BIG!  There are lots of great prizes and rewards for the students as they sell, but there is a super prize that should appeal to everyone.  If we reach our super goal, then for every two magazines sold the students' name will be placed into a drawing for
 $500 CASH.

LET'S GET STARTED  All students should have received their packets.  If you have not received one or need additional supplies, please contact Mrs. Joyner in the Elementary Office, Mrs. Cheek in the Middle/High School Office, or Mrs. Watson in the Main Office.

PLACE ORDERS ONLINE  You can actually begin selling now.  See the tab above for QSP to place new or renewal orders online and your child will receive credit for the upcoming turn in date!  The QSP link can also be found on the school’s website,
 http://www.tattnall.org/. This is a great tool to gain support from your family and friends who live out of town. Ordering online also saves up to 4-6 weeks on delivery time, since the order is processed immediately. 

TURN THEM IN  Of course orders can still be processed using the paper forms enclosed in the magazine packets.  Elementary students turn orders into their home room teacher. Middle School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of Mrs. Cheek’s office.  High School students will turn orders into boxes sorted by grade found on tables outside of the high school art room.

WE ALL WIN!!  The magazine sale benefits all of us - students, teachers, and parents!  Thank you in advance for making this years sale the most successful fund raiser yet!

“Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:14,18-20

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trojan Legion Blog - Day 1

Welcome to your Trojan Legion Blog!
Summer 2010 is quickly coming to an end and the first day of school is quickly approaching.
As we prepare for the 2010/2011 school year we encourage you to check in with us for the latest information on upcoming events, special projects and ways for you to plug in.  Our email is trojanlegion@tattnall.org Please join us and let's make this year Tattnall's best yet!